It’s awesome to receive fanart or guest strips from people in my email inbox. I only wish I could have the pleasure of meeting each of these generous and talented people. In this case (as well as the last guest art post by Chris Otto), I did get to meet the creator who took time out of her busy day to whip up a cool slick guest piece just for me! Everyone, say hi to Intervention Con buddy Liz Staley of Adrastus!

If you dig adventure comics that combine motorcycles, robots from other planets, government agencies with mysterious motives, and strong female lead characters, Adrastus is right up your alley. Heck, if you like any ONE of those genres, give it a shot. Liz’s clean stylist art lures you in and the smart, witty dialog combined with the intriguing story (C’mon, alien robots? AWESOME) will keep ylou around for the long haul. Why haven’t you stared reading Adrastus yet?